4 Optimization Hacks to Improve Your Firm's Workflow

May 26, 2022

Every small accounting firm aims to deliver the best possible service for its clients. They want to be efficient, effective and make the best use of their available resources.

But how does one do that? It all starts with a good workflow. A good workflow is the key to running a successful business, whether it’s a small accounting firm or any other business. In this guide, we give you tips that will not only help you optimize your workflow but will also help you build a foundation for continuous improvement.

Re-evaluate Your Current Workflow

Figuring out where you stand today when it comes to workflow is the first step. This may sound pretty obvious, but it is just as important to know what you don’t need or what you don’t have anymore.

Look at how you currently deal with your client’s questions and how you integrate the answers into your existing documents. Which questions are recurring? Which documents and activities are repetitive?

This will create a strong base for your new workflow. You will not only identify what you need but also what you don’t need anymore.

Gather as Much Data as You Can

One of the biggest challenges is to figure out which workflow is the most efficient for you. There’s no universal workflow, so you will have to figure out what fits best for you and how to optimize your workflow.

Gathering as much data as you can will help you identify which activities are the most important for your company and how you can improve them. Quantify your activities and data by using metrics that make sense for your company and your clients.

So, start measuring your time and cost at the beginning of each month and then compare your metrics to the results of the previous months. If you use accounting software, you will be able to track different time and cost metrics quite easily. This information will help you determine which aspects of your workflow require attention and which activities you could do without.

Use Automation Where Possible

Once you’ve figured out your current workflow and set your goals, the next step is to figure out how to reach them.

Automation can be the best way to get there. By automating repetitive tasks, you can save time and make work more efficient. You will have more time to focus on the difficult tasks, make your work more effective, and reduce errors.

Set Standards for Everything

If you’re not sure how to automate certain tasks and how to reach your goals, look at the standards you have already set. This applies to every aspect of your business. If you use a standardized procedure for invoices, every invoice you create should comply with it.

If a client asks you a question, you should have a standardized response for it. If a certain document needs to have a particular layout and include the same information, you should have a standardized process for creating it.

Standardization ensures you always deliver the same quality, the same service, and the same information every time. It will also prevent you from wasting time on rework, which is a common problem in every business.


Your workflow is the way you run your business. That's why it's important to spend a lot of time and effort improving it every few years or so. It will keep your business running smoothly and help you deliver better results to your clients. While creating a workflow is challenging, it will pay off in the long run.

Transforming your workflow into a more efficient one takes a lot of time and resources. To make things easier, you're going to need a tool that will work for your new workflow. This is where Firm360 comes into play. Our practice management software is perfect if you want to streamline accounting processes in your firm. Book a demo today and experience the Firm360 difference!

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