All-In-One Platform

We have everything you need to get your job done.

Client Management

Everything you need to know about the client in one place.

Contact Information, contacts, preferences

Client notes and communications history

Open Projects, Recent Documents

Billing, Invoices and Payment history

client management practice management software

Project Management

Know what your team is working on and track their efficiency.

Quickly handoff tasks between team members

Know exactly what your team is working on

Never miss a client deadline

Document Management

Quickly access the documents you need, right when you need them.

Integrated document management

Securely send and receive client documents

Collect electronic signatures

Clients can access documents with client portal

Time and Billing

Efficiently process your time and billing so you can spend your time on what is important.

Fast and easy time entry for your team

Generate invoices quickly and easily

Collect payments online

Automatic accounts receivable collections

Advance Reporting

Analyze your productivity so you can continuously imporove

Client Realization

Staff Utilization

Staff Workload

Accounts Receivable


We want your data to be where you need it. We can sync with the following tools.

QuickBooks Online

Email from Office365, Google

MS Office document editing

Adobe Acrobat editing

Print to Firm360 from any Windows application

Stripe Payment Processing (CC and ACH)

Right Signature electronic signatures

File Sync to Firm360 from your tax preparation software

Integrate with 1000's more using our Zapier integration!

We are always looking for useful integrations, so let us know if there is something you would like added!

Get Started Today

Book a demo to find out how Firm360 can streamline your processes.
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